VisualSVN 7.0 Released
We are happy to announce the release of VisualSVN 7.0 which is now fully compatible with Visual Studio 2019.
Upgrade to VisualSVN 7.0 is necessary if you are switching to Visual Studio 2019. Professional and Site licenses issued before December 4th, 2018 require an upgrade purchase for VisualSVN 7.0. The upgrade to VisualSVN 7.0 is free if you use VisualSVN under the Community license.
Support for Visual Studio 2019
VisualSVN 7.0 enables full integration with Visual Studio 2019. All VisualSVN features are now fully compatible with Visual Studio 2019.
Upgrading existing licenses to VisualSVN 7.0
VisualSVN 6.x licenses issued on or after December 4th, 2018 are eligible for a free upgrade to VisualSVN 7.0. Commercial licenses issued before December 4th, 2018 require an upgrade purchase for VisualSVN 7.0. The current upgrade price is $49 for the Professional License and $1950 for the Site License.
The upgrade to VisualSVN 7.0 is free if you use VisualSVN under the Community license.
You can download the latest VisualSVN 7.0 build at the official download page.
You can also purchase an upgrade to VisualSVN 7.0 using the online purchase form.